Sunday, June 26, 2005

Letter for Tif

Tif - thanks so much, if you can find a bottle or four of Ancient Coast Baco Noir, I would gladly repay you for them sometime around seaside days, I'm sure thats when you'd be on your way. I'd rather see ya actually get home this summer then to have to have you become my "Ontario Wine Connection" and have all that work to do, but still, having someone out there, right in the thick of it all would still be awsome.

Here's the low down - this wine was delisted at the LC and like isn't available in the province now apparentally, but when they marked it down I tried some and it's like gold or .... I can't explain it except it has opened the door to my love of the Red.

It would also be so much easier, quicker and cheaper if you were coming home with the wine! LMOA!! Oh Ya - you can bring them to my house on cottage ave and get the tour.

Yes, that's right, My House, on cottage ave.

Well, Maria's too, but anyway, thats why there hasn't been a post in weeks, since the last time I was whining for wine.

Almost done, bank says I can have money, owner says I can have house, lawyer is the only step left, and hopefully by the second week of July at the latest we will be proud owners of a $50, 000 Two and a half story with almost a half acre somewhat looking out into the atlantic, at least from the top floor it is! Wooohooo! The I can put a scratch through another part of my poor pathetic description in the "about me" section on the left.

I'm too happy about the house to even right anything sarcastic about the MickeyJ affair, or anything else (if there was anything else) in the news right now.

By the way - the van works great, except for the sticky door latches - they don't close properly all the time, but hey- for 300 dollars (+ a battery) it was on the road and ready to go - I can live with the door for now!

Thanks again Tif!!

Gotta get going - Trailer park boys are on anytime now!


I found my Dark Side CD - wheeeuw - but it was touch and go there for a little bit.

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