Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Well i got a new side bar to commemerate my new quitting frame of mind! Buttin out again, this time it's for good, i can feel it! (sure you say, what about last time?) Well last time too, but ran into some difficulty with "environment issues" which seem to be under control for now. (sure you say, we'll see, we'll see!) And i say, ya we will!! So there!!


Looks like the Canadians are falling to Tampa Bay, possibly in 4 games, so it sucks to be a Canadians fan, but even more, it sucks for hockey fans from Canada. I'm a leafs fan, blue and white, wrong or right!, But I wanted to see the Canadians, (whose fans are apparently sworn to never ever say a nice thing about the Leafs), win so there would be a chance of the east being the leafs and canadians, guaranteeing a Canadian team goes to the stanley cup finals. The hopes are now on the leafs and the flames, not much chance for the habs to be coming back and winning four straight, just can't see it happening.


All our jobs are in limbo, and we've already bent over backwards for this place and i can't bend anymore. Well the 11 weeks of paid, possible time off will be good, and it might just be the kick in the ass I need to get the hell outta here and get a decent pay check coming in, not this pittance, it's just enough to live on, not enough to live. But it's all the lazy people like me need to keep us here, just enough to live on.


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