Monday, December 27, 2004

merry boxing day

Time for another kick at the blogger cat. Merry Christmas to all, though I really think Sheldon's the only person who reads this thing on any regular basis - so Merry Christmas Sheldon! LOL Learn that song - it's easy once ya get the wrist thing going properly.
Had a ball at Shawn and Trina's Christmas day bash, brought the guitars and harmonicas and got right loaded up, didn't get home until like 5 am, and had work at 11:30 - bummer - but got there OK. Sat through a coupla hours of waiting 25 minutes for a 2 minute phone call - cause OPS is in another country and they wouldn't send us home but what the hell. Frees up more time this week for leaving early I guess. Worked Xmas eve right til the end of the shift, turns out the operation in Manilla is 12 hours ahead of us and was closed for Xmas so we got all the calls from the people who wanted to order underwear on Xmas eve, yes underwear on Xmas eve. Or "where's the credit for my return?" Some people need to get a life I think. At least with tech support people got away from their puters for the most part on special holidays and gave most people a break when they were stuck at work.
Thats my boring life, in a nutshell - for now - til I hit the super 7 jackpot anyway

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