Sunday, March 13, 2005

Is it just me, I think it's just me. I work in a call center where the management turnover surpasses the employee turnover - somethings wrong there - just not sure what yet, but it opens up all sorts of new job opertunities for the little guy (and gal) in there. But they take one llok at the speling mastakes in my rusume and I'm knot in a chance there.

Been six weeks off the butts now, and just starting to cough up brown stuff. Like WOW eh? That long. But there's money in my account and I'm feeling healthier, and there dosent appear to be a problem being around smokers while drinking either so I think this one will stick! yaeh!!

Theres quite the snow pile out in the yard right now, and plenty more coming down with some high winds so it looks like I'll be out shovelling tommorrow sometime, for a little bit anyway. I just love going to bed knowing what tommorrow holds in store. Feeling like a precog, back is burning already.

Time to hit the fartsack.

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