Saturday, August 27, 2005

robinson should be out of a jobinson

"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it.

It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop. But this man is a terrific danger and the United ... this is in our sphere of influence, so we can't let this happen.

We have the Monroe Doctrine, we have other doctrines that we have announced. And without question, this is a dangerous enemy to our south, controlling a huge pool of oil, that could hurt us very badly.

We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability.

We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

These are just some quotes from neo-nazi, uh uh...I mean Christian leader Pat Robinsons 700 club show. Maybe if he had asked God to assasinate Venezuel's President Chavez it might have been acceptable, but to call on the state department and start to question oil shipments in the same breath pretty much puts in black and white what this clown and his cowboy president are all about. OIL. Saudi's are talking to Chavez and Robinson's rich and powerful friends are starting to sweat. They might be the only ones who can afford to have the heat up high enough to break one.

Thats it, nothing more, fuck Iraqi's, fuck Afghanistanians, and any body else who needs help. They don't really care aboub them - they don't matter now and didn't matter then. They are all expendable human lives on the path to make daddy's friends rich. Even the next door neighbour boy who is now in a body bag is just another brick in the wall of Bush's quest for the riches of the mysterious middle-east. Face it. If there was no Oil, like Rowanda or Bosnia would there be hundreds of dead Americans and Iraqi's in the middle east? No. If there was no US Army, would Bush ever have been able to finally have run an oil country , I mean oil company to a profit. Well wait now. Guess you can't sell stock in a country and bail out to leave thousands to foot the bill on this one Georgie. Looks like this tally will be millions of taxpayers paying for you to get rich before your done.

Not only do I hate him for what he has done around the world, I hate him for raising the bile in my stomach to new hieghts, and making me do this entire political post thing. Shame on you Georgie. Eat your baloney.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Ok, so I got rid of the Anna Coracopia faded water color that was the side bar for almost two weeks and went bavk to the reaper I had for all those years. BUT with a twist - or a flip if you will. My problem is that I don't know which was better, the reaper looking away as if he were ashamed or even frightened by what I had written (probably ashamed) or the reaper looking at the post as if he were interested in the babblings of a middle-aged underwear salesman.

HELP! What do you think is better. Put your mouse over the image to change it and let me know which way he faces looks better. Click the comments link below to post your opinion. Thanks.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

So it will be hard to go back to work on monday for me, after having friday and half of thursday off, due to the virus which hit a few of the networks and puters using win2K. In fact, I may just go in to be sent home again because of the no email situation which was so preventable it's not even funny. To quote the Larry Seltzer tech guy, "the stupidest firewall in the world would block this worm from spreading and only Windows 2000 systems are vulnerable." but somehow....Aww nevermind. You know where I'm gooing with that. We got no techs cause they do not want to spend any money over there. A simple windows update would have prevented me and well the rest of the dotcom department from loosing all that time off. I have vacation time to fill in the blanks for my paycheck, but alot of people don't. It affected us because we have to connect to an external mail server and they didn't want our worms. Nice. Well, Oilfield here I come.


Do ya see these religious gurus in the south, with thier mega-mall cookie cutter soul saving techniques, moving toward a Christian controlled government, bringing in to the pulpit, the representative with the waning support in the senate, to bolster thier popularity. What a sham. And these 99% white southern people with money and time to burn jump right on thier bandwagon and wave thier banners. It's such a crock of shit. Lets pray for another vacancy on the Supreme Court. Where the vacancies come when somebody currently holding a seat dies!! Praying to God on National T.V for a Supreme Court Justice to die. They are not the people who should be running the country on my southern border I tell ya.

I'd rather have Satanists in the White House than these 700Club rejects. Maybe then there could be some middle east peace and a decent price on a barrel of oil. The Christians haven't done a damn thing good for North America, the U.S. itself or the world in general during thier time as the powerfull leaders of the free world. Satanists or maybe even Buddhists. The muddy middle of the road can't get it together, so they shold go with one of the extremes - Hell they gave bush another four years, they could at least try a pentagram in the oval office, or passive resistance in Iraq.

Time for bed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

New post

Yes, it's a new post.

Finally got the lawn mowed, finally got the mower fixed! Thanks Frankie, though you will never even know there are such things as blogs, I'll let a (very small portion of) the World know that you fixed my mower. Thanks.

Went to Ingonish this weekend and we drank ourselves sick, awsome time though, I was sick on Friday but on Saturday we found the natural rock waterslide and tried it out. It was awsome and so painless it was kinda scary at first, but not really scary at all.

Then we got ticketed by a park ranger - who obviously got beat up alot as a teenager, and definately didn't get invited to any parties at all - for exiting through a path which would take about an hour off our travel. Yeah, it was marked but not exactly clearly when you get down to trying to decipher the legalese involved. The herefortowith's and pursuant to section 13a kinda boggle the mind and ya just keep on walkin.

Anyway he was nice enough not to ticket all 6 of us and we can all split the ticket with my brother who took the one ticket he was handing out. The 40 bucks each is really worth the hassle of walking all the way back down the river the way we came. But next time it will be the long way home for all of us. Thats like 6 24's of worth the beer money, or a really nice night out to dinner up there. I hate paying for other peoples salary's.

The waves in Black Brook Beach were huge and cheap styrofoam boogieboards were all the rage. We all got trounced by mother nature for an hour and a half - went back to the Inn and took 6 showers - which apparently the plumbing wasn't ready for two days in a row - caused a leak in the system in one of the subfloors somewhere, shorted out the main floor electrical in the kitchen and maintenance end of the Inn. Don't know if we'll be allowed back to that particular Inn, but it was fun, a nice place to stay and affordably priced, so it will be the first place we call next time.


Still waiting on the final legalities of owning this place, can't wait for that to be done, sign the last piece of paperwork and get to paying off some bills and probably going back out west for a better paying job yet, though it is not set in stone or anything else as of yet. We need to put a basement under this thing and it's going to be anywhere from 15 - 20, 000 more dollars I don't have right now and looking at a 25 year mortgage is really looking at close to the rest of my life. So we need to pay for the basement with cash - or minimal bank involvement - to keep everything else in line as far as payments go, and refinancing or eventually buying out the original is a question as well. But that will all be down the line a bit yet, I just can't wait for the final signature on the dotted one.


Saturday, August 06, 2005

The fallout - reader discression - this one is all about work.

Well "the email" has caused some much feared static between the honchos and our little department. Seems our team coach was almost fired because he had email stored in his system which came from Adam, outlining some of the funnier email that have been sent our way. Of course this dosent seem that serious and in times of peace it probably wouldn't even raise an eyebrow, but, since "the email" was sent all treaties are off.

Instead of every 10th or 15th email being filtered out of the flow and scanned for Quality control, it's now every fucking one of them. Every message which leaves the building as well as, I'm sure, every internal message as well, fine toothed combed to try and find any possible leak of "the email" which has supposedly been removed from existance. It's like being in Bush's Army. Maybe they think the next disgruntled employee will send a similar message to a customer where they can't get at it. Hey, it could be worse...we could be working for the US Postal Service. Then they might have a reason to get thier hackles up. LOL When I do leave it'll be under my own power and most will never know I was ever there let alone gone.

When I left Stream I posted a message here and C&P'd to Hi5 as well, but for the most part, it was two weeks before management knew I wasn't coming back, and I still meet people, a year later, who ask if I'm still there cause they don't see me round no more. There was no security escort with a box of my shit, no formal tag confiscation, and no hubabaloo. And I way hated that place more, well not the job, or the other workers, but management and the company policies for sure.

I don't mind my job, although it's becoming a bit monotonous, it's still just right up the alley for a lazy shit like me. The only thing that sucks is the workers at the other centers are all dumb as bricks and think by lying to us when they transfer a customer through to us, that they are getting away with something scandalous. I can here them now, "I told him the customer axed for help on the web site when he really wanted to place an order." Well, "HAHAHAHAHA", Says I, with a wicked gleam in said same. "I took your Job!! And now your going to get back at me by giving me more work?? And in the process proving to the quality monitoring department that you didn't deserve the job in the first place. Bring it on, and don't forget to cross your T's and dot your I's on your unemployment forms fuckers."

Enough about work, and there seems to be way too much awakeness right now too.
Gotta put a stop to that, nip it in the bud as they say. (I've been nipped in the bud and it ain't all that bad, as far as nippin goes.)
