Saturday, August 06, 2005

The fallout - reader discression - this one is all about work.

Well "the email" has caused some much feared static between the honchos and our little department. Seems our team coach was almost fired because he had email stored in his system which came from Adam, outlining some of the funnier email that have been sent our way. Of course this dosent seem that serious and in times of peace it probably wouldn't even raise an eyebrow, but, since "the email" was sent all treaties are off.

Instead of every 10th or 15th email being filtered out of the flow and scanned for Quality control, it's now every fucking one of them. Every message which leaves the building as well as, I'm sure, every internal message as well, fine toothed combed to try and find any possible leak of "the email" which has supposedly been removed from existance. It's like being in Bush's Army. Maybe they think the next disgruntled employee will send a similar message to a customer where they can't get at it. Hey, it could be worse...we could be working for the US Postal Service. Then they might have a reason to get thier hackles up. LOL When I do leave it'll be under my own power and most will never know I was ever there let alone gone.

When I left Stream I posted a message here and C&P'd to Hi5 as well, but for the most part, it was two weeks before management knew I wasn't coming back, and I still meet people, a year later, who ask if I'm still there cause they don't see me round no more. There was no security escort with a box of my shit, no formal tag confiscation, and no hubabaloo. And I way hated that place more, well not the job, or the other workers, but management and the company policies for sure.

I don't mind my job, although it's becoming a bit monotonous, it's still just right up the alley for a lazy shit like me. The only thing that sucks is the workers at the other centers are all dumb as bricks and think by lying to us when they transfer a customer through to us, that they are getting away with something scandalous. I can here them now, "I told him the customer axed for help on the web site when he really wanted to place an order." Well, "HAHAHAHAHA", Says I, with a wicked gleam in said same. "I took your Job!! And now your going to get back at me by giving me more work?? And in the process proving to the quality monitoring department that you didn't deserve the job in the first place. Bring it on, and don't forget to cross your T's and dot your I's on your unemployment forms fuckers."

Enough about work, and there seems to be way too much awakeness right now too.
Gotta put a stop to that, nip it in the bud as they say. (I've been nipped in the bud and it ain't all that bad, as far as nippin goes.)


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