Sunday, October 23, 2005

It's been over a month since I've been here. Eh. Sorry. (thats mainly for me) Too long, too much time, too lazy to stand up straight most nights after working 8 hours then coming and puttin in another few on the house. Then it's straight to bed , do not pass go, no computer for you, sleep now so you can get up and do it all over again the next day. Sad but a necessary evil.


Well last night was the first time in a while we took a night off together and went out and actually did something. Got together with Sandra and Scott and went to the Boston Pizza in Sydney for starters, good food good beer good company, cute wait staff - good time was had by all. And then off to the Sandbar, yes the old haunt - havent been there on a Saturday night since summer. And now I know why - there was 6 people there when we go there at Midnight on a Saturday night. Terrible.


Well, it's a short update, have to go and eat steak with the parents, but I'll be posting some pics of the house on here soon. Just got to spend a few more sleepless nights pounding away at 'er and all will be well.


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