Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Ice Fog Cometh, and we had batteries in the camera!!

We had a really incredible weather day 2 weeks ago here. Freezing rain at night, warm morning and chilly afternoon makes for a silver thaw fog! I just made that up - lol - but it's kinda true. I have pictures to prove it!! Ya have to click em to do them any justice tho'!  By the way Maria took these pictures.

Just pictures this time out. Enjoy.

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ramonassister said...

Gorgeous pictures !

ramonassister said...

updddddddddddddddddate. there must be something exciting happening in CB! I'm entirely lonesome for home, so you must post something - I need some intelligent ranting. Since all my ranting isn't. Its just ranting. Hope all is well. U back in the Bag yet? Firebag that is. Not the slang we all know and love.....
Take Care!
Ramona's Sister!