Friday, April 01, 2005

addiction - the sad truth

Addiction is such a shameful thing, families hide it from friends and neighbours, there is "anonymous" help for those who cannot bear to admit openly of thier addictions, and the slag rags love to expose celebrity addictions (and we apparently love to read about it), but nearly everybody I know has an addiction of some kind, drugs, alcohol, smoking, sex, food, - and I'm no different.
It seems I'm currently addicted to 007 on the gamecube. I admit openly to my embarrassing situation and don't really care what you may think of me for being an addict. Screw you!
You would be addicted too, - the lights and the smooth game play, the lights and the sprawling storyline, the lights and driving the austin martin, the lights and the incredible graphics, the lights and the unique player environments and the lights and the flashing colours. How could you not fall for such an easily accessable game, less than twenty dollars for each disk, and there's more of them out there too, and I shall have them as well.
I openly admit to my addiction. And you can look down your nose with pious contempt, but I know the truth and that is you've got a skeleton or two in your closet somewhere or some kind of an addiction you're hiding, everybody does. Be it smoking in front of your computer with the windows wide open, or getting twelve year old cancer patients drunk and molesting them. And guess what. They can't possibly be as much fun as 007. Oohhhh, the lights, the lights.

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