Friday, April 01, 2005

what's next?

And what the hell is this - illegally imported squirels, with no papers just allowed to stay in Canada, almost as if it were a political refugee or something, and the government is going to grab the $30,000 legal bill for the guy who owns it. What's next? Certainly no farm animals will be crossing the border anytime soon, but this could open the flood gates for God only knows what kind of influx of animals.
We don't need any more American skunks or snakes in Canada thats for sure, (though I'm also sure they would have no objection to more Canadian beaver crossing the border) it's bad enough there's a motion to increase the Canadian-US-Mexican relationship (the predicted outcome of NAFTA) to the point where it's being compared to one continental country with one big border which would eventually lump us, as Canadians, in with the Americans and everything they do. Is this the image we want to portray to the world at large? I think not!!
As it is, one of my friends lived in Oman for a year and no matter what he told the locals they still referred to him as an "American" because he was from Canada - which is in NORTH America. Shitty huh? Yes, Yes it is. Cause they were on the verge of car bombing him cause he was white and from Canada - it seems resembling an American may soon be a crime in some parts of the world and I really don't think we should be escalating anything with these people. Sell them our gas and oil, our hydroelectricity, soft and hard wood, grain, wheat, fish, coal, along with our beauty and brains, and let them pretend to be from Canada when they travel abroad in Europe and other places, but don't make us one big country to share the blame for all thier atrocities, covert or otherwise.
That may not be right, and they may not (I said "may not") be right to want to kill all american imperialist scum, most are guilty only of the crime of wanton ignorance and willing self-centerment(refusing to admit they are not the center of the world) - but lumping all of Canada or Mexico in with Middle North America for the purposes of trade and "homeland security" issues is pretty fuckin stupid to me.


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