Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The death of a dream....a few pictures ....and the curious case of the howling bowel.

Well, I'm back. A late night rant to let the world know...The dream is over.....I've been laid off. haha We are told we will be back to work in a month, but hey...I was told we weren't getting laid off in the first place, go figure.
I was supposed to fly back out to Ft.Mac today but I got the heads up last week - wednesday I think - not to bother making the 4 hour drive to Halifax.
Yes I know for a fact it was wednesday because that was the day my Dad started working at Albion Sands. He flew out to work on the day I was laid off. Yes. Go figure indeed.
I guess this is better than making the 4 hour drive to Halifax to find out you have to turn around and go home.....jobless at that!!


Been in a bit of a funk since then. Sure I'm home a bit longer -well indefinitely at this point - but I'm losing a lot of money to be here sleeping late and trying to do stuff around the house.

Getting some hobby stuff that I wanted to do taken care of too tho. A buddy of mine gave me a 5 string bass in the summer. It was missing a string due to falling off a truck...really...they found it on the side of the road and that it is almost brand new shape is a testament to the durability of the 'soft' instrument cases on the market.
N E Way....got a string put on and started to practice last night during the Grammies - which weren't all that bad but just too friggen polished a show for me to really enjoy it. (how much Justin Timberlake can one show telecast anyway.) After 25 years of playing guitar, bass will be fun to learn and it's quiet enough to play all night without an amp.
Hopefully these practises will strenghten my guitar playing, bring it to the next level, if you will. I will keep posts on my progress.


I haven't actually made it out for a run yet this year, this makes me sad...I can't call myself a runner if I do not run, all I am is a former runner or a wanna-be runner but a runner no longer in action. Being a runner at heart is ok as a sappy metaphor but it doesn't give me any sense of pride to say 'I used to run', or 'Ya, I ran a half marathon a while back..' That while goes further and further into the past every time I think about it.
It actually was warm enough here yesterday that I changed my 'Facebook' status to "Jody is thinking about going for a run." All I did was think though. It got dark to soon and the sidewalks are not plowed and the shoulder of the road is blah blah blah.....one excuse after another when the bottom line is I didn't get out for a run. It's my fault and my fault alone.


The warmth didn't last and the next thing I know the driveway is a sheet of glass the walkway is a pretty close second in the 'slippery as hell' catagory. It's bad when you put your car in park and have it start to slide backward without the wheels turning.
So it was a quest for bags of salt and sand after some foraging for sustenance at the local Supervalue this afternoon. A suprise visit from my nephew and his extreme neediness in the 'watch-me' department when playing the Wii kept me from applying the sand and salt in as swiftly a fashion as I would have liked so I was out, fully face masked and winter booted at 10pm spreading and spreading and spreading. Well, it was really just spreading. I wasn't really out there that long!
Next it was the howling bowel. I have no idea why but the noises coming outta my mid section tonight resembled a cross between an depressed, bi-polar elephant trumpet and an emphasymatic timber wolf howl, clearly audible across the room, even over the disturbing sounds of nanny911 on the idiot box. Scared to fart? Not me. I have Christmas underwear I haven't even opened yet. Not scared but...curious. Yes. Thats the word. Curious.


Time for pictures bitches!! Gather round and I'll get out ye ole photo album, better known these days as A 4 Gb HCSD card (High Capacity Secure Digital). As always, click on the pics for a larger view.

So glad to be in the air, had a feeling I should not have been as happy to leave as I was.

Sunsets are so much better from a few miles high.

Scrambled and left over rib steak for breakfast. Yay!

Fresh Haddock, MmmMmmMmmmm!

Ohhhh, I'd tap that!!!

The main course.

The a fore mentioned nephew. Breton Thomas.

Happy Birthday Dad, work safe at Albion.

Sunset...from the ground this time...in my backyard.

It's really late...I will return to blog again! Hope all three of you return to read!!lol


ramonassister said...

great post Jody!
Very enjoyable reading.
Bummer that you're not going back for a while.
I booked my (one way) ticket last night.
Going out blindly looking for work.
Wish me luck!
Take Care
Rock Truck Grrrl (formerly known as)

Unknown said...

I had some smiles and laughs while reading this one Jody.
The whole job thing sucks! And I had just commented on your Jan. 28th blog yesterday! On how I couldn't handle the instability of the job! Ironic but not in a good way.
I can totally relate to your nephew, having 3 youngins myself always wanting me to see the great feat they are accomplishing at any given moment. Your fish and wine look great! You look a lot like your dad. Safe journey and safe work to him. Hoping your job starts up soon again...till next blog. Michelle