Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Good The Bad and The Ugly.

Well we got the washin ma chine the other day and things are sparkling here now. Clean underwear all around. And some smiles too. It's a big one, it'll fit all my coveralls and work clothes in one load and almost all of my other clothes in another. Wicked.

Working on a crew truck now, twisting wrenches and maintaining 3 or 4 different oilfields for a coupla companies. The money is awesome, but I've only got 18 days until I up and leave for home. The job MAY be available when I get back, but we aren't sure yet. Where was this job three or four months ago? Things would be so much easier if I had of done this for the winter and spring too. Crap.

Saw a bear today on the roadside, just a little one, 2 or 3 years or so. And a deer laying down on a pile of dirt, weird stuff.

That's all I can be bothered to type today!

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