Saturday, November 08, 2003

SO IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT! Do you know where your life is?

I just don't get it! I used to always have something to do, and someone to do it with, not to mention the energy, ambition and drive to actually get out there and find something interesting to do. These days it seems the options are slim to none. Hmmmmm. On the one hand, I can go to the bar, I always find someone there to help kill off an evening. But I can go to the bar anytime, so it's not really special. Thought I had a line on some company for a showing of the last Matrix flic, but she's feeling under the weather now and the thought of plodding through the newly fallen snow for a 20 minute ride to the theatre just isn't turning her crank. So, renting movies and battening down the hatches for a night in the basement is about the only option. Not at all a bad option of course, but still isn't there something else I /we could be doing? Not that the movie thing isn't a good way to unwind after a long shift on tech support, it is, but sometimes it feels like a rut.


    Yes, thats what I said -- "newly fallen snow"! Well, we had a good run at it. A real long summer, we were spoiled by October, even the first week of November was pretty mild. Now, it's a bit chillier but the same as last year, maybe even warmer, with a little snow, which will be gone by noon tommorrow! Some how I still find myself whining about it, and hatin myself for it! I've actually said "if ya don't like Winter, move south", and hate sounding like a hypocrite, even if only to myself!

Time to go home and try to pull this saturday out of the lurch! All Blogged Out.

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