Saturday, October 25, 2003

I need money! I'm setting up a paypal on here for anybody who feels sorry enough for me to donate portions of thier hard earned paychecks to me. How pathetic would I have to be to have you onboard as a major contributor? No matter who you are I can be pathetic enough for you! I can do it, I know I can! I have faith in my ability to create sympathy in your heart for the down trodden, beerless, and social-event challenged! Donations will be accepted soon!

I look into the cafeteria as i walk on by,
I shake my head and sorta wonder why
They buy that coffee from the big brown urn
Tim Hortons traitor's - will they never learn!

They fall asleep in the middle of calls
For 98 cents, it should have some balls
A little more kick, I need a lil more buzz
Tim Hortons is my crack, it's sent from above

Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second! That's not to mention your depleting braincells!

So, when did it all get so wierd? Seems like I'm waking up from a dream that didn't even begin properly. The longest week of my life, working close to doubles since monday, averaging 4.75 hours of sleep may have something to do with the state of mind, or lack there of. It's been a fuzzy few days, going by in a blur with only a few standout performances etched into permanent memory, the rest falling by the wayside into what has become known as "routine". I CAN live like this, but for how long? I keep thinking, "one more day, then I can sleep". But the one day comes and goes so quickly, there dosent seem to be a need to sleep, until the very next day when it becomes apparent that, due to lack of sleep, I was not thinking clearly when I came to the decision that I really didn't need a few extra hours of shuteye. This seems to be cyclical, every day, every week of every month, ya can guess where this is going. Seems like I'd miss something if I slept, but I won't remember what ever I give up the rest for because I'm so tired. So, maybe it's just got wierd for me, everyone else seems normal.
Maybe if I get off the coffee. Say, is that a electrical storm cloud overhead?

Here's some cool short science fiction stories, nice site, put together well and no pop ups Strange Horizons

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