Saturday, October 18, 2003

So time off is approved, no work on Sunday, woo hooo! Never has the word "approved" looked so good on a puter monitor.....sleep, sleep.
Never have I spent so much time typing and editing before I joined the elite society of blog-happy bloggers. I play guitar, so my left hand is fine, the digits are used to moving around alot, but the right hand feels like CTS is kicking in, as it tries to play catch up with the dominate appendage. Strange how I'm right handed, but the left hand turns out to be the more articulate and the stronger of the 2 paws.

My right hand may have CarpalTunnel
My left hand is fast and strong
My one eyed friend is partial to one
Not very often is he wrong

these are all safe for work

Check out this site, it's pretty wierd, Bitney Look Alike

And this is made to just kill hours and hours of free time Online Spirograph

Necrophilia in the Animal Kingdom Dead Duck

Did they really have to pass this law?? Uncle Stupid!

Ya just have to look at this, it's like trying to pass a car crash with your eyes on the road -> 15 minutes of fame

This is definetaly grounds from a lawsuit! malpractice?

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