Thursday, October 09, 2003

Well that was quick, this blog thingy is making me thirsty!

Shaved my face today and was so surprised by how carnivorus I became with that chicken thigh, always careful with the big goatee not to get any bird on it, or it on bird. Never knew how good food could taste when ya can dive in head first and throw caution to the wind. Perhaps the afore mention chicken feast was such a delight solely because there were no holds barred in my envigored consumption? That will take a moment of deep thought. Will i dive clean shavenly head first into the pussy now? Will it taste even remotely better than it did in the past? Could it? Did it? Will it? hmmmm Well one thing i am sure of is i don't know, and now that my mug is hairless I'll have to get in there and give it a good ol go before making up my mind for sure.

It'd did not make the coffee taste any better but then again how could it! cannot improve on perfection now can you?

25 more minutes of bloggin left til I get to go home and finally feel "not so bad" about not reachin the thumb. Off tommorow by the grace of Interday! Bow before the awsome power of the Scedualing??( how the hell do ya spell that one?) department!! The Gods have Smiled upon me and in they're infinite wisdom have granted me a day offf with pay! My pay of course, but it's still one of the little things that gets ya to the next work day, if not smiling, then at least with a very neutral expresion on your face. What more can be asked for in these topsy turvey times? Maybe a life time supply of D'addario's (custom lite's of course) and more RAM, ya can never have enough RAM!

Paystubs is the word of the day! Find the word of the day! It's coming soon to a supervisor's desk near you! Catch the buzz, get your paystub!

14 Minutes left, this is easier than i though! I figured I may have to resort to posting my grade 4 poetry offerings for lack any thing else to fill this spot, but I think Chris (monkeyboy) was right.... I CAN DO THIS!! I CAN BLOG!!! It's kinda draining though, I may have to pace myself til I build up a blog muscle, or CTS as it's better known to the lay person, then the excruciating pain of typing (and of course masterbation) would be more than enough to fill these pages with blog after blog after whiny blog. But there's the C22 right there, the very thing to blog about prevents us from bloggin to our full potential, and there fore is in the end a detriment to the blog as a whole. Some thing to think about there....that one might just keep my up all night in deep contemplation. (might!)

6 minutes til go time, can he do it, can he blog for another 6 minutes and not run outta things to blog?

no, he can't do it, it's all over now and the blog ---- call ----damn - 5 minutes to go and now this!

Blah blah blah blog blog blog, more tech support, right click left click, "click yes or cancel?" "Whadda you think after 15 minutes of troubleshooting we're gonna "cancel"??" There's some good bloggin, tech support stories....always something good to read there. But not tonight, maybe another time.

20 minutes later still here and not signed in yet, 45 minutes later and done I love ME!

Blogged out for now!!!

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